The Rila Monastery, founded in the 10th century, is one of the most popular tourist sights in Bulgaria. I spent little time in the church itself. Monks covered the exterior walls in bright frescoes depicting saints, the life of Christ, heaven, hell, demons torturing the sinful, etc. All that good stuff. Like most things in Bulgaria, reaching …
Tag Archives: hiking
Getting Lost on a Mountaintop: Hiking To the Wooden Churches of Eastern Slovakia
Well. You’re an idiot. Again. Surely I didn’t repeat Šumava. You did. Idiot. I lost the hiking map. Sigh. At least in Šumava, I was with seven people. At least in Šumava, I bought another map. At least in Šumava, I wasn’t at the most isolated point of the hike before realizing it. The Best-Laid Plans of Mice and …
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The Country Music Highway of Eastern Kentucky
Before I left for the Czech Republic, I wanted to take another road trip. As luck led me, I took two, but this is about Kentucky. The other is a story for another day. I love travelling in Appalachia. There’s so much that’s familiar, but the accents change dramatically. It’s like visiting a distant cousin. …
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Hiking South Bohemia: Šumava National Forest
Running 20 minutes behind schedule as the metro passed the second station, I remembered the map. That is, I remembered that I forgot the map. I was in Prague for a week as part of a summer seminar on classical liberalism in philosophy and economics, then leaving for Brno until November. Before I caught the …
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