Wednesday Links

I’ve lagged on original commentary and writing, I’ll correct that soon. In the meantime, links! Who’s the extremist? And so it goes. The Democratic mayor of Washington, Vincent Gray, called on citizens to “fight back against oppression.” What oppression, you ask? Riders to the 2011 federal budget would end taxpayer funding for abortions and allow …

Post column and Libya

I’ve slacked on updating the blog lately, but here’s a few updates: I now write a column for The Post which runs every Monday this quarter.  My first column discusses the perils of government intervention in the economy. CIA Operative in Libya to gather intelligence on rebel fighters The Obama administration has sent teams of …

“Free market” ≠ “pro-business”

Art Carden has a fantastic blog on Forbes from last September that I missed until today discussing the false equivalence of “free market” with “pro-business.”  The entire article is worth reading, but the essence is in Carden’s quotation from The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley: I hold no brief for large corporations, whose inefficiencies, complacencies, …