I get burnt out on castles. The views are great, but after a handful, they blur together.
Town squares are different. They reflect the economy, history, regional or national character, and vibrancy. Some are the hectic hub of a city, but others are calm refuges. Festivals, markets, or protests flare up to occupy the time, or some weirdo decides now is the time to share his horrible accordion skills. It’s a delightful or bothersome public space that’s much less prominent in America. So, a short survey of a handful scattered around Moravia.
Brno’s Náměstí Svobody (Freedom Square) during a festival on August 16.
Přerov’s Horní náměstí. The statue in the center is of John Amos Comenius, a 16th-century educator who profoundly influenced education in Europe.
Self-contained archways line most of the square in Přerov.Kopřivnice during a foggy, rainy day. The prominent building was the former administrative headquarters for the communists.Also Kopřivnice; the fountain makes the square look worse on this day.Nový Jičín’s Masarykovo náměstí is enclosed with connected archways. Used for cover during the rain, and touristy pictures in the sun.Opposite view in Nový Jičín.Štramberk’s main square from the castle tower, Štramberská Trúba.And on the square with Štramberská Trúba in the background.